Personal data: Born 23 September 1941, in Kalmar, Sweden, Swedish citizen. Permanent address: Byvägen 4, 38892 Ljungbyholm, Sweden. Married, two children.
Current Position: Professor emeritus, University of Cambridge, UK. Affiliated professor of sociology at Linnaeus University, Sweden.
Studies of political science, sociology, and economics at Lund University, Lund, Sweden. Fil. kand. in l965, fil. lic. in l97l. PhD (sociology) from Lund University in l974 (old system, roughly equivalent to a German Habilitation or a French doctorat d’Etat ).
May 2019, Swedish Lenin Prize, as a writer in a « critical and rebellious left tradition »
October 19, 2018 Doctor honoris causa, Malmö University
October 4 2018 Honorary Prize of the Equality Fund (Sweden)
May 2017 Premio Latinoamerocano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, by CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Science)
August 31 2016, Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Pretoria
January 28 2014 Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
June 3 2011, Doctor honoris causa, Helsinki University, Finland
May 29 2010, Doctor honoris causa, Linnaeus University, Sweden
March 2010- Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK
September 21st 2007, Doctor honoris causa, Roskilde University, Denmark
2004- 2008 Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mannheim-based European Network of Excellence on European Governance, CONNEX
l989-l99l the (only) representative of the social sciences on the Cabinet Advisory Council on Research, Sweden.
Simon Senior Research Fellow, University of Manchester, England (l985)
Listed in Who´s Who from 2007, The Contemporary Who´s Who? From 2003, in One Thousand Great Scientists, in the Dictionary of Eminent Social Scientists, and in the Swedish National Encyclopedia
Publications :
a. Books (translations and second editions before l990 not listed):
(Forty so far)
2021 ’Into the Hottest Century and into Epochal Change’, Revista de Estudios Globales vol.1, no.1
2021 Klass i Sverige (red. med D. Suhonen & J. Weitz) Lund, Arkiv
2020 Inequality and the Labyrinths of Inequality, London, Verso
2019 El Estado social de mañana (con P. van Parijs y N. Duvoux), Santiago de Chile, LOM
2018 Kapitalet, överheten och alla vi andra (Capital, the establishment, and all the rest of us), Lund, Arkiv
2017 Cities of Power, London, Verso (Spanish translation, under Chinese and Russian traanslation)
2016. /ed.) Cities and Power, London , Routldge
2014 Societá multiculturale, Rome, Alfabeto Treccani/Kindle ebook
2013 The Killing Fields of Inequality, Cambridge, Polity (Danish, Finnish, Korean, Polish, Spanish (2), Swedish, Turkish translations so far)
2011 African Capital Cities . Power and powerlessness (co-edited with S. Bekker), Cape Town and Dakar, HSRC Press and CODESRIA
2011 The World. A Beginner’s Guide. Cambridge, Polity Press (Finnish, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish translations so far)
2010 Handbook of European Societies. Social Transformations in the 21st Century Berlin New York, Springer (co-editor and co-author)
2009 Les sociétés d´Europe du XXe au XXI siècle, Paris, Armand Colin
2009 Post-Soviet Capitals: Minsk, Vilnius, Baku. Minsk, Belarus State Univerity Press (in Russian; co-editor and co-author)
2008 From Marxism to Post-Marxism? London Verso (Brazilian and Turkish translations)
2006 Inequalities of the World (editor and co-author), London Verso
2006 Asia and Europe in Globalization: Continents, Regions, Nations (co-editor and co-author), Leiden, Brill
2005 Política social: el mundo contemporáneo y las experiencias de Cuba y de Suecia (co-author, with A. Ferriol and R. Castiñeiras) La Habana y Montevideo, INE
2004 Between Sex and Power. Family in the World 1900-2000., London, Routledge (Brazilian translation)
2004 African Families in a Global Context (editor and co-author), Uppsala, Nordic
Africa Institute
2000 Die Gesellschaften Europas 1945-2000, Frankfurt and New York, Campus (updated and revised edition of European Modernity)
1999 Modernities and Globalizations. European and Latin American Experiences and Perspectives, Stockholm, FRN, l999 (editor and co-author)
1999 Europa hacia el siglo veintiuno, Mexico, Siglo XXI (updated and shortened edition of European Modernity
1998 From A Doll´s House to the Welfare State: Reflections on Nordic Sociology (co-editor and co-author), Madrid, ISA
l995 European Modernity and Beyond. The Trajectory of European Societies l945-2000. London, Sage. (French, German, Italian, Polish, Belarussian, Swedish, and Spanish editions)
1992 Peripecias de la modernidad, Buenos Aires, Imago Mundi
l99l Vad styr Sverige? (What Governs Sweden?, with M. Blomsterberg et al.), Gothenburg, Dept. of Sociology Research Report
l99l Vision möter verklighet (Vision Meets Reality, with Sven E. Olsson et al.), Stockholm, Liber
l99l Can the Welfare State Compete? (with Alfred Pfaller and Ian Gough) London, Macmillan (Spanish translation)
l990 Teorías Contemporáneas del Estado (Contemporary State Theories), Maracaibo, Vadell Hermanos and University of Zulia
l989 Borgarklass och byråkrati i Sverige (Bourgeoisie and Bureaucracy in Sweden – Two historical studies) Lund, Arkiv
1989 Ghetto´s in Holland? (with P. Broertje), Amsterdam, Van Gennep
l986 Why Some Peoples Are More Unemployed Than Others, London, Verso (German, Spanish, and Swedish translations)
l981 Klasstrukturen i Sverige l930-l980 (The Class Structure of Sweden l930-l980), Lund, Zenit
l980 The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology, London, Verso
l978 What Does the Ruling Class Do When It Rules?, London, Verso (Spanish, Italian, Swedish, and Korean editions)
l976 Science, Class and Society, London, Verso (Italian and Spanish editions)
l973 Vad är bra värderingar värda? (What is the value of good values?), Staffanstorp, Cavefors
l972 Critica e rivoluzione (Critique and revolution – the Frankfurt School), Bari, Laterza
l971 Klasser och ekonomiska system (Classes and economic systems), Staffanstorp, Cavefors
1966 En ny vänster (editor and co-author), Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren
b. articles (a selection after 1982 plus 2 major texts of the l970s)
in production
‘Two Epochal Turns of Inequality, Their Significance and Their Dynamics’, The Journal of Chinese Sociology
´La “pandemia de la desigualdad”´, Sistema 260, enero
‘Viral Encounter: Experiences, Lessons, and Options’, Crisis and Critique, online, November
‘States, Nations, and Civilizations’ Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social
Sciences, online October
‘Dreams and Nightmares of the World’s Middle Classes’, New Left Review 124, July-August
‘Opus Magnum: How the Pandemic is Changing the World’, Thesis Eleven, online July 6
‘Sweden’s Turn to Inequality, 1982-2019’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, March
‘An Agenda for Class Analysis’, Catalyst vol. 3, no. 3
´Twilight of Swedish Social Democracy´, New Left Review no. 113, 5-26
‘ Social trends and new geographies’ , lead author of chapter 1, in particular ch. 1.1., ´On the Peak of Possibilities or Facisng an Abyss?´of the report by the International Panel on Social Progress, Rethinking Society of the 21st Century vol. 1. Cambridge University Press
´Stratification Requiescat in pace: Paradigm Shift from “Stratification” and Mobility to Inequality´, pp. 42-52 in R. Sosa Elizaga (ed.), Facing An Unequal World, London, Sage
´The “People´s Home” is falling down, time to update your vierw of Sweden´, Sociologisk forskning 54:4, 275-78
´Can we still believe in social progress?`, The Conversation, November
‘Dynamics of Inequality’, New Left Review no. 103, 67-84
‘After Emancipation, What? Stay-ing True in Hard Times’, pp. 3-7 in Markus Schultz (ed.), The Futures We Want, Berlin/Madrid/New York/Vienna, WebForum International Sociological Association, 2016
‘Klasse im 21. Jahrhundert’, pp. 285-315 in H. Bude and Ph. Staab (eds.), Kapitalismus und Ungleichheit, Frankfurt/New York, Campus
‘An Age of Progress?’, New Left Review 99 (May-June), 27-37
‘Globality and Modernity: Making Concepts Raise Research Questions’, pp.79-95 in B. Mersmann and H. G. Kippenberg (eds.), The Humanities between Global Integration and Cultural Diversity, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston
’Life-curves of Inequality’,
Korean Journal of Sociology | December 2015, Vol. 49, No. 6 | 47-61
‘Desigualdades en México y América Latina: una contextualización global’, Estudios Latinoamericanos (México) no. 36, 83-107
‘Cities and Power’, guest editor’s introduction to special issue on Cities and power, International Journal of Urban Sciences 19:1, 1-6
‘Moments of Equality: Today’s Latin Ameruica in a Global Historical Context’, pp. 13-28 in B. Fritz and L. Lavinas (eds.), A Moment of Equality for Latin America?, Farnham Surrey, Ashgate
The EU crisis and its geopolitical temptation. – Eutopia 14.1.2015. See more at:öran-therborn/speakers-corner/debate-crisis-and-social-cohesion-eu-crisis-and-its-geopolitical-temptation#sthash.bJam1MQh.dpuf
‘Desigualdades en América Latina: desde la Ilustración hasta el siglo XXI’,pp. 95-123 in M. Castillo Gallardo and C. Maldonado Graus (eds.), Desigualdades. Santiago de Chile, RIL
‘ The new millennium in Europe: future prospects and problems’, an interview. SocietáMutamentoPolitica 6.11, 219-28
‘Why Study Sociology Exploring The Endless Social Horizon’, conclusding chapter 20 in K. Vaiday (ed.), The Curious Academic Publishing, Kindle e-book
“Bland intellektuella och statstjänstemän – mot ändlösa horisonter”, ss. 145-58 i G. Andersson, T. Brante, C. Edling (red.), Det personliga är sociologiskt. Malmö, Liber
“Family Systems of the World: Are They Converging?”,
In J. Treas, J. Scott, and M. Richards (eds), The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families, Oxford, Blackwell
‘ Modern Monumentality: The National European Experience, ’ In J. Osborne (ed.), Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology, New York, SUNY Press
‘ Inequality of Life and Death’, Social Europe Journal,
‘ Europe: Trading Power. American Hunting Dog, or the World’s Scandinavia?’, updated ch. 14 in M. Teló (ed.), European Union and the New Regionalism, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2014, 3rd. Ed.
‘ From Civilizations to Modernity: Divisions and Connections of the World , and Their Legacy – A Historical Social Geology’ , pp. 267-90 in S.A. Arjomand (ed.), Social Theory and Regional Studies in the Global Age, New York, SUNY Press
‘New Masses?’, New Left Review 85, (Jan-Febr.), 7-16
Review of Béla Tomka, ‘ A Social History of Twentieth-Century Europe’ , Archiv für Sozialgeschichte vol. 54
“Global Cities”, World Power, and the G20 Capital Cities, pp. 51-82
K. Fujita (ed.), Cities and Crisis . New Critical Urban Theory, London, Sage, (for the International Sociological Association)
Sociologins risker och möjligheter, Sociologisk Forskning 50:2, 157-65
“Evolución global y perspectivas de los diferentes tipos de desigualdad en el mundo” (Different Inequalities: Their Global Trajectories and Their Prospects), pp. 269-99 in J.F. Tezanos (ed.), Los nuevos problemas sociales, Madrid, Sistema
‘The Biggest Injustice in Modern Society is Inequality of Life Expectancy’, Social Europe, 3.6. 21013,
Review of Anton Hemerijck ’Changing Welfare States’ Journal of Social Policy, available on CJO2013. doi:10.1017/S0047279413000469.
Class in the 21st Century, New Left Review 78, 5-29
The killing fields of inequality, International Journal of Health Services 42 (4) 579-89
El patrón mundial de sexo-género y de relaciones familiares, pp. 185-216 in R. Esteinou (coord.), La nueva generación social de familias, México D.F., Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, La Casa Chata
Las nuevas fronteras de la izquierda, in R. Blackburn et al. Las nuevas fronteras de la izquierda, Quito, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales
Puente@Europa (Buenos Aires), X:. 1, 8-14
Citizenship and Welfare: Politics and Social Policies (with S. Hort),in K. Nash et al. (eds.), The New Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology, Oxford, Blackwell
Afterword: Social Change, Scholarly Change, and Scholarly Continuity, pp. 283-6 in B. Larsson, M. Letell, H. Thörn (eds.), Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Por qué en algunos países hay más paro que en otros? Parte II, 25 años más tarde, pp 227-52 in A. Guerra and J.F. Tezanos (eds.), Alternativas económicas y sociales frente a la crisis, Madrid, Editorial Sistema
Global Inequality: The Return of Class, Global Dialogue 2:1
The Tide and Turn of the Marxian Dialectic of European Capitalism, Journal of Modern History 9:1, 9-12
The Age of Social Democracy. Norway and Sweden in the Twentieth Century, Social History 36(4):522-524
Europas Brüche mit sich selbst. Die europäischeWirtschaft und die Geschichte, die Moderne und die Zukunft Europas in der Welt, pp. 113-37 in F. Cerutti and E. Rudolph (eds.), Brauchen die Europäer eine Identität?, Zürich, Orell Füssli
End of A Paradigm. The Current Crisis and the Idea of Stateless Cities. Environment and Planning 43:272-85
INEQUALITIES AND LATIN AMERICA: FROM THE ENLIGHTENMENT TO THE 21ST CENTURY Working Paper for the DesiguALdades research progtramme. Online publication.
Socialism, in G.T. Kurian et al. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Political Science, Washiungton DC, CQ Press
Different Roads to Modernity and Their Consequences: A Sketch, in M. Boatca et (eds.), , Decolonizing European Sociology, Farnham, Ashgate
The Global Future of Welfare States (with I. Gough), in F. Castles et al. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press
European Roads to Modernity and Their National Capitals, in S. Eliaeson and N. Georgieva (eds.), New Europe. Growth to Limits? Oxford, The Bardwell Press
Roads to Modernity and Their National Nodes, in D.G. Schulze et al. (eds.), Rechtsstaat und Verrechtlichung – Eine deutsch-spanische Strategie der EntPolitisierung und Demokratie-Vermeidung?, Muenster, Westfaelisches Dampfboot
Cities (with P. Le Galés), in S. Immerfall and G. Therborn (eds.), Handbook of European Societies. Social Transformations in the 21st Century Berlin New York, Springer
Family: Historical and Cultural Perspectives, in R. Shweder (ed.), The Chicago Companion to the Child, Chicago University Press, pp. 333-38
Ojämlikheter på vägen (Inequalities on the road), i E. Fasth, S. Hort, S. Lundberg (eds.), Mellan hantverk och profession. En vänbok till Gunnar Olofssn, Växjö, Vöxjö Universiy Press
Capital cities and their contested role in the life of nations, City – analysis of urban trends 12:1
The killing fields of inequality, Soundings (London) April
NATO´s Demographer, New Left Review 56
Modern Tendencies in Sociology, The Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Minsk, in Belorussian) no. 2
Identity and Capital Cities: European Nations and the European Union, in F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli (eds.) The Search for a European Identity:: Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, London, Routledge
Caucasian Triptych, New Left Review 46, 69-88
La dirección social de Europa, avance o retroceso? Agenda para un modelo social europeo, in A. Guerra and J.F. Tezanos (eds.), El rumbo de Europa. Madrid: Sistema
The World’s Trader, the World’s :Lawyer: Europe and Global Processes, in O. Strietska-Ilina (ed.), A clash of transitions: Towards a Learning Society, New York, Peter Lang, 61-80
´Europe: Trading Power, American Hunting Dog, or the World´s Scandinavia?´, in M. Teló (ed.), European Union and New Regionalism, 2nd. ed., London: Ashgate
After Dialectics. Radical Social Theory in a Post-Communist World, New Left Review 43, 63-114
Depois da Dialectica: teoria social radical em um mundo pós-comunista, Margem Esquerda 10 (São Paolo)
Is there a future for the family?, Public Policy Research 14:1, 41-46
Eastern Drama.Eastern European Capital Cities in the 20th Century, guest editor´s lead article to a special issue on Eastern European capitals, International Review of Sociology no. 2 2006
Capital Politics: Why and How Place Matters, in. R. Goodwin and C. Tilly (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis, Oxford, OUP 2006
After Dialectics: Postmodernism, post-marxism, and other posts and positions, in G. Delanty (ed.), Companion to European Social Theory, London, Routledge, 2006
Post-Western Europe and the plural Asias, in G. Delanty (ed.), Europe and Asia: Towards A New Cosmopolitanism, London/New York, Routledge, 24-44
The Pole and the Triangle: US Power and the Triangle of America, Asia, and Europe, in V Hadiz (ed) Empire (London/New York , Routledge, 2006
O desafio mundial as ciencias sociais – abordagens para analise global (The World´s Challenge to the Social Sciences Approaches to Global Analysis), in C. Barreira, R. M. Leao Rego, and T. Dwyer (eds.), USociologia e conhecimiento alem das fronteiras, Porto Alegre, Tomo, 77-95
Family’s in Today’s World- and Tomorrow’s, International Journal of Health Services, vol 36 (3):593-603.
Social Quality in Sweden (with Sonia Therborn), Journal of Social Quality no.1-2 2006
´Nach dem Patriarchat´, in J. Berger (ed.), Zerreisst das soziale Band? Frankfurt/New York, Campus. 2005
´Familias en el mundo. Historia y futuro en el umbral del siglo XXI´, in I. Arriagada and V, Aranda (eds.), Cambios de las familias en el marco de las transformaciones globales: necesidad de políticas públicas eficaces Santiago de Chile, CEPAL, 2005
´Magt og seksualitet. Familien i det 20. århundredets verden´, Dansk Sociologi, 16:1 (2005)
´Social Quality in Sweden´ (with Sonia Therborbn), a report to the European Netwiork on Indicators of Social Quality (Amsterdam, Foundation of Social Quality)
Culture as a World System, in Proto-Sociology vol. 20
´The Ruling Class Thirty Years Later, in R. Levine (ed.), Enriching the Sociological Imagination, Leiden: Brill
Solidaridad Amenazada – Oportunidades de Imaginación Política
Issues and Contexts of Pension Politics, A. Guerra y J.F. Tezanos (eds.) Política eoconómica europea, Madrid: Sistema
African Families in A Global Context, Research Review (Accra) 15 Supplement’
´Space and Learning´, preface to M. Lawn and A. Novoa (eds.), Fabricating Europe, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Kluwer, (French ed. ´Espace et savoir´, preface to M. Lawn and A. Novoa (eds.), L´Europe Réinventé, Paris, l´Harmatttan, 2005)
Entangled Modernities, in European Journal of Social Theory vol. 6 (3)
Dimensions and Processes of Global Inequalities, in , G. Skapska and A.M. Bukowska (eds.) The Moral Fabric in Contemporary Societies, Leyden: Brill
Cuestiones relativas a la desigualdad mundial y a la pobreza en Europa, in A. Guerra and J.F. Tezanos (eds.), Alternativas para el siglo XXI, Madrid, Sistema
The World´s Trader, the World´s Lawyer: Europe and Global Processes, European Journal of Social Theory no. 5-2002
Class Perspectives: Shrink or Widen? Acta Sociologica no. 3-2002
Back to Norms: On the Scope and Dynamics of Normative Action, Current Sociology no- 6-2002
Asia and Europe in the world: locations in the global dynamics, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, No 2- 2002
Entre el sexo y el poder: pautas familiares emergentes en el mundo, Sistema no. 166
´Prólogo´, a A dónde va el mundo? , México, Fundación Cultural Tercer Mundo, 2002
Monumental Europe:The National years. On the Iconography of European Capital Cities, Housing, Theory and Society 19:1, 26-47
Globalization and Inequality, Soziale Welt no. 4-2001
Europe´s Breaks with Itself. The History, Modernity, and the World Future of Europe in F. Cerutti and E. Rudolph (eds.), A Soul for Europe vol. 2, Leuven and Virginia, Peeters, Stirling
European Modernity and European Normativity: The EU in History and in Social Space,
in S. Andersen (ed.), Institutional Approaches to the European Union, Oslo,
Arena Report
Europe – Superpower or a Scandinavia of the World?, in M. Teló (ed.), European Union
and New Regionalism, Aldershot, Ashgate
Ambiguous Ideals and Problematic Outcomes: Democracy, Civil Society, Human Rights, and Social Justice, in Democracy Reality and Responsibility, Vatican City,
Pontificae Academiae Scientarum Socialium Acta
The European Welfare State and Britain´s Social Options, in K. Rahkonen and T. Lausti
(eds.), ”Blairism” – A Beacon for Europe? , Helsinki, Renvall Institute
El Espacio Social de la Izquierda Mundial l960-2010, in La Izquierda ante los Nuevos
Tiempos, Mexico, Senado de la República
Into the 21st Century. The New Parameters of Global Politics, New Left Review 10
(New Series)
On the Politics and Policy of Social Quality, in W. Beck et al. (eds.), Social Quality: A Vision for Europe, The Hague/Boston/London, Kluwer Law International, 2001
Capitalism. Encyclopedia of Democracy, London, Blackwell, 2000
“Modernization” Discourses. Their Limitations and their Alternatives. In W. Schelke et. al (eds.) Paradigms of Social Cxhange: Modernization, Development, Transformation, Evolution, Frankfurt, Campus, New Yorek, St. Martin´s Press, 2000
Globalizations: Dimensions, Historical Waves, Regional Effects, Normative Governance, International Sociology, vol. 15:2, 2000
El Pensamiento Crítico del Siglo XX, Encuentro XXI (May 2000)
At the Birth of Second Century Sociology. Times of Reflexivity, Spaces of Identity, and Nodes of Knowledge. British Journal of Sociology, 51:1, 2000
Time, Space, and Their Knowledge. The Times and Place of the World and Other Systems. (Contribution to Festschrift to I. Wallerstein,; G. Arrighi and F. Goldfrank eds., Journal of World System Research VI:2, 2000)
Sociologiens første århundrede – og det næste, Dansk Sociologi i dag 4:10 (också utgiven på engelska av Sociologiska institutionen i Umeå och på svenska av Sociologiska institutionen i Göteborg
Dimensions of Globalization and the Dynamics of (In)Equalities, in D. Kalb et al. (eds.), The Ends of Globalization: Bringing Society Back In. Boulder co.: Riwmnan and Littlefield, 1999; Brazilian ed. in P. Gentili (ed.) Globalizacão excludente, Rio de Janeiro, Vozes
On politics and policy of Social Quality, The European Journal of Social Quality vol 1:1-2, l999
Globalization, and the Rural World, plenary address to the Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, Chania l997, in B. Kasimis and A. Papadopoulos (eds.), Local Responses to Global Intergration, Aldershot, Ashgate, l999
The Unemployment Iceberg, What Is Beneath, Behind, and Ahead, International Journal of Health Services 29:3 (l999); Spanish version, El iceberg del desempleo: lo que hay debajo, detrás y por delante, Sistema (Madrid) no. 151, julio l999
”Europe” As Issues of Sociology, Inaugural address to the Second European Sociological Conference, Budapest l995, in T. Boje et al. (eds.), European Societies. London, Routledge, l999
As teorias do Eastado e seus deafios no fim do seculo, in E, Sader and P. Gentili (eds.),Pós-neoliberalismo II, Rio de Janeiro, Vozes
Società multiculturale. Torino, Enciplopedia italiana delle scienze sociale, l998
1989 and After: Meanings, Explanations, Lessons, in P. Sztompka (ed.), Building Open Society and Perspectives of Sociology in East-Central Europe, Madrid, ISA, l998
Modernities and Globalizations, in B. Isenberg (ed.), Sociology and Social Transformation, Lund, Dept. of Sociology, l998
Europas künftige Stellung – das Skandinavien der Welt?,
S. Hradil and S. Immerfall (eds.), Die westeuropäischen Gesellschaften im Vergleich, Opladen, Leske + Budrich, l997
English version.: Europe in the Twentyfirst Century: The World´s Scandinavia?, in P. Gowan and P. Anderson (eds.), The Question of Europe, London, Verso, l997; Spanish brochure publication, Europa en el siglo XXI: la Escandinavia del mundo?, México, UNAM Colección El Mundo Actual, l998; Italian edition, Europa: la Scandinavia del mondo? Europa Europe no.5 l999
Multiculturality and East Central Europe in European Modernity, in Cultural Crossroads in Europe, Stockholm, FRN, l997
El Estado del Bienestar de Europa Occidental y su mundo hostil, in A. Guerra et al., Una nueva política social y económica para Europa, Madrid, Sistema, l997
Beyond Civil Society: Democratic Experiences and Their Relevance to the “Middle East”, in E. Özdalga and S. Persson (eds.), Civil Society, Democracy, and the Muslim World, Istanbul, Swedish Research Institute, l997
Lo spettro del multicutlralismo, Il Mulino 1-1996
Sociology, Economics, and Normative Action: Notes Toward A Theory of Middle
Height, in D. Sciulli (ed.), Macro Socio-Economics, Amonk NY and
London, M.E. Sharpe, l996
Child Politics: Dimensions and Perspectives, in Childhood no. 1 l996
Dialectics of Modernity. On Critical Theory and the Legacy of 20th Century Marxism, in B. Turner (ed.), A Companion to Social Theory, Oxford, Blackwell, l996
Framtida historier. l925-l995 i framtidens ljus (Future histories. l925-l995 in the light of future history), lecture in honour of Erik Allardt´s 70th birthday, Sosiologia 33:1 (l996)
War and Civil Conflict, in S.M. Lipset et al. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Democracy, Washington D.C., Congressional Quarterly Books, 1995.
Patterns and Meaning of Unemployment, Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare, l995:4
Routes to/through Modernity, M. Featherstone et al. (eds,), Global Modernities, London, Sage, l995
Sociology as a Discipline of Diasgreements and as a Paradigm of Competing Explanations: Culture, Structure, and the Variability of Actors and Situations, in P. Sztompka (ed.), Agency and Structure: Re-orienting Social Theory. Philadelphia: Gordon & Breach, l994.
Another way of taking religion seriously, European Journal of Political Research, 26:103-10
Modernitá sociale in Europa (l950-l992), in P. Anderson et al. (eds.), Storia d´Europa vol. 1, Torino, Einaudi, l993
The Politics of Childhood, in F. Castles (ed.), Families of Nations, Aldershot, Dartmouth, l993
Beyond the Lonely Nation-State, in F. Castles (ed.), op. cit.
El futuro del trabajo y las consequencias de la ausencia de trabajo, El Socialismo del Futuro no. 7 (l993)
Normens vägar och frågetecken, Sociologisk forskning no. 2 l993
A Unique Chapter in the History of Democracy: The Swedish Social Democrats, in. K. Misgeld et al (eds.), Creating Social Democracy, University Park Pa., Penn State University Press, l993
The Right to Vote and the Four World Routes to/through Modernity, in R. Torstendahl (ed.), State Theory and State History, London Sage, l992
Lessons from ”Corporatist” Theorizations, in J. Pekkarinen, M. Pohjola & B. Rowthorn (eds.), Social Corporatism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, l992
The Life and Times of Socialism, New Left Review no. l94 (l992)
Class and the coming of post-industrial society, in S. Kozyr-Kowalski & A. Przestalski (eds.), On Social Differentiation, Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, l992.
Welfare states and capitalist markets, ch. 6 in P. Robson (ed.), Welfare Law, Londom, Routledge. Reissued as e-book in November 2020.
Sociologin och de två kulturerna, Sociologisk forskning nr 2 l992
Guide Petersson och makten i det moderna, i L. Niklasson (red.), Lärdomar av Maktutrdningen, Sthlm, Carlssons, l992
Staten och människors välfärd, i B. Furuhagen (red.), Utsikt mot Europa, Sthlm, Utbildningsradion, l99l
Cultural Belonging, Structural Location, and Human Action, Acta Sociologica vol. 34 (l99l)
Swedish Social Democracy and the Transition from Industrial to Postindustrial Politics, in F. Fox Piven (ed.), Labor Parties in Postindustrial Societies, Cambridge, Polity Press, l991
Vías a través la modernidad (Lecture to the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, 26.11.l990), Relaciones (Xochimilco, Mexico, UAM) no. 4 l990
Ska sociologer förklarea någonting? Hur gör de då I såfall? Sociologisk forskning nr 3 l990
Social Steering and Household Strategies: the macropolitics and the microsociology of welfare states, Journal of Public Policy vol 9 (l989)
Revolution and Reform: Reflections on Their Linkages Through the Great French Revolution, in J. Bohlin et al. (eds.), Samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi, historia, Göteborg, Daidalos, l989
Pillarization and Popular Movements – Two Roads to Welfare Capitalism: the Netherlands and Sweden, in F. Castles (ed.), Comparative History of Public Policy, Cambridge, Polity, l989
Los retos del Estado de Bienestar, in R. Muñoz de Bustillo (ed.), Crisis y futuro del estado de bienestar, Madrid, Alianza, l989
Estados del Bienestar e igualdad, in A. Broggi et al. (eds.), Crisis económica y estado del bienestar, Madrid, Instituto de estudios fiscales, l989
States, Populations and Productivity: Towards A Political Theory of Welfare States, in P. Lassman (ed.), Politics and Social Theory, London, Routledge, l989
Does Corporatism Really Matter? The economic crisis and issues of political theory, Journal of Public Policy, vol.7 (l987)
Nationale Politik der internationalen Arbeitslosigkeit, in H. Abromeit & B. Blanke (eds.), Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitsbeziehungen und Politik in den 80er Jahren, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag (Leviathan Sonderheft 8), l987
Migration in Western Europe: The Old World Turning New?, Science 237 (l987)
Neo-Marxist, pluralist, corporatist, statist theories and the welfare state, in A. Kazancigil (ed.), The State in Global Perspective, Aldershot, Gower/Unesco, l986
Class Analysis: History and Defence, in U. Himmelstrand (ed.), Sociology from crisis to science, London, Sage, l986
The Working Class and the Welfare State: A Historical Overview and A Little Swedish Monograph, in P. Kettunen (ed.), Det nordiska i den nordiska arbetarrörelsen, Helsinki, Finnish Society for Labour History and Cultural Traditions, l986
The Coming of Swedish Social Democracy, in E. Collotti (ed.), Il movimiento operaio tra le due guerre, Milano, Feltrinelli (Annali l983/84), l985
Classes and States: Welfare State Developments l88l-l981, Studies in Political Economy no. 13 (Ottawa), l984.
The Prospects of Labour and the Transformation of Advanced Capitalism, New Left Review no. 145, l984
Electoral Campaigns as Indicators of Ideological Power, in S. Hänninen & L. Paldán (eds.), Rethinking Ideology, West Berlin, Argument, l983.
Why Some Classes Are More Successful than Others, New Left Review no. 130 (March-April)
The Travail of Latin American Democracy, New Left Review no. 113-114 (JanuarApril)
Sweden Before and After Social Democracy. A First Overview, Acta Sociologica 21: Supplerment, 37-58 (with A. Kjellberg, S. Marklundf, & U. Öhlund)
The Rule of Capital and the Rise of Democracy, New Left Review no. 103 (May-June)
From Petrograd to Saigon, New Left Review no 48 (March-April), 3-11.
In toto my works have appeared in twentyfour languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Slovene, Serbo-Croat, Hungarian, Polish, Belarussian, Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, and Korean).
My own linguistic competence includes speaking Swedish, English, French, German, Dutch , and Spanish, an ability to read Portuguese and Italian press and social science publications, and to read inscriptions and similar brief texts in Latin and in Russian.
Previous post-doctoral jobs:
2013-2017 Director of Research (part time), University of Cambridge, UK
2008-2010 Professor emeritus and Director of Research, University of Cambridge, UK
2006-2008 Professor and Chair of Sociology, University of Cambridge, UK
1996-2007 co-Director of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala (on leave 2007-8, emeritus 2008); from July 1st 2003 also University Professor of Sociology by Cabinet appointment, Uppsala University.
1987-2003 Professor of Sociology, Gothenburg University, Sweden
l981-87 Professor of Political Science, Catholic University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
l975-l981 Docent (Associate Professor) of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden
l976 appointed Professor of Sociology at Roskilde University Center, Denmark, but could not take up the position for personal reasons.
l974 Lecturer of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden
Temporary positions held:
2004 April-May, professeur invité, Institut des sciences politiques, Paris, France
European Chair of Social Policy, ELTE, Budapest (spring semester l996)
half October-half November l992 Visiting Professor, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
half October l992 Visiting Scholar A. E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin, USA
June l99l Visiting Professor, Institut für Höhere Studien zu Wien, Austria
Winter l99l Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Pol. Science, RSSS, ANU, Canberra, Australia
Spring l990 Visiting Professor, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, and Department of Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Fall l987, Fellow, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, at Uppsala, Sweden
February l987 Visiting Professor, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
May l986 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany
Visiting Scholar A. E. Havens Center for the Study of Social Structure and Social Change, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin, USA November l985
Spring l98l Visiting Professor, Institut de Science Politique, Université de Paris -I (La Sorbonne), France
Spring l980 Acting Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Spring l978 Visiting Professor, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Mexico City, Mexico
Fall l977 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Sociology, ANU, Canberra, Australia
Fall l976 Acting Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Umeå, Sweden.
Other academic or related positions or activities (single ordinary invited lectures and seminars not included):
June 2019, ‘State sovereignty in the empirical world: Globalizations, regionalizations, capital, law, and imperial politics’, intervention in Presidential session of Congress for European Studies, Madrid
April 2019, Invited commentator to the launch of the Southern Institute of Inequality Studies, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesbuyrg, South Africa
March 2019, ‘Increasing Inequality, Paradox, Puzzles, & Perspectives’, lecture to the pre-launch of the Helsinki Inequality Initiative, University of Helsinki, Finland
After ”Stratification”: The World of Inequality’, keynote lecture to the congress of the Westermarck Society (Finnish Spciological Association), Turku
September 2018 , ´Cities, Power and Modernity´, keynote lecture to the conference “Successful Cities – cCrises of Citizenship”, University of Potsdam
August 2018 ´Different Kinds of Nation-States & of National Societies´, presentation at the congress of the European Association of Urban History, Rome
July 2018, ´Cities Agasinst States´, & ´Cities as Visual Representations & Manifestations of Power´, presentations to the International Congress of Sociology, Toronto
March 2018, “Global Capital Labour Relations & Futures of Capitalism”, graduate course at Pompeu Fabra Universityu, Barcelona
October 2017 last Cambridge Master course on ´Theorertical Tools for Global Social Analysis”
May 30 2017, “Unequal Transitions. A Global Perspective”, keynote address to conference on Transitions to adulthood in times of inequality: the changing impact of intergenerational relations, University of Bergen, Norway
April 18-22 Lecture series in Kabul on book themes – ideology, gender, inequality – at Kabul University, Gawrshad Institute, Marifat High School
Spring 2017, evaluator of research at Linnaeus Universiy, Sweden
Winter 2017, evaluator of candidates for a professorship of sociological theory, University of Helsinki
2016-18 Member Expert Advisory Group for the UN report Progress of the World’s Women, 2018
November 3 2016 “The Three Dimensions of Global Inequality and Their Trajectories”, keynote lecture to the conference The Road to Global Inequalitu – l945 to the Present, Aarhus University, Denmark
August 23 2016, ‘ Retos de lo social y la vocación de estudios sociales’, speech at the inauguration of a Doctoral Program of Social Studies at Universidad Distrital Francisco José Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia
March 4 2016, Latin America in the Middle Class Century, presentation to the concluding conference of the DesiguALdades research program, Berlin
November 12 2015 ‘Las ciencias soociales frente al siglo XXI’, lecture at the Book Launch of the Facultad de Ciencias sociales, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá
November 11, 2015 ‘ Las ciencias sociales frente al siglo XXI’, Conferencia magistral, Congeso del CLACSO, Medellín
Ocbotber 17, 2015 ‘ The killing fields of inequality’, lecture at the inuaguration of the academic year, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
September 24 2015, “Inequalities in Economy and Society”, lecture to the 50th anniversary of the Social and Economic Faculty of the University of Lodz,Poland
September 15 2015 , “The killing fields of inequality”, “inspirational lecture” to the C20 meeting of NGOs and social movements from the G20 countries, Istanbul
June 18 2015, “A Coming Middle Class Century?”, keynote lecture of the Sociology of Development section of the German Sociological Association conference on Middle Class in the Global South, Berlin
March 25 2015, “The Big World and the Sociology of Small Countries”, Speech to the 50th Anniversary of the Danish Sociological Association, Copenhagen
2015-17 Member, External Advisory Committe, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
2015-18 “Lead author”, International Panel on Social Progress
2014-19, Member Advisory Board, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
2014-16 Member External Supervision Unit, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal
2014-17 Part-time Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, South Africa, Effects of Race program
2013- Member, Editorial Board of International Critical Thought (Beijing)
2013-14 Commissioned guest editor of special issue on Cities of Power, International Journal of Urban Science (Seoul)
2013-17 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, PEARL Research Program on Social and Economic Inequalities, Luxemburg
2012-16, Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies, Helsinki
2011-2015 Fellow, Forschungskolleg “Landnahme, Acceleration and activation”, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
2011-2014 Editor-in-Chief of European Societies, the journal of the European Sociological Association
2014 December 18 “Inequalities are plural – their reception and trajectories are diverse”, Public Lecure in honour of professor Henk Overbeek’s farewell, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
2014 December 1 “What is missing in the indignation against inequality?”, Public Lecture, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung
2014 October 23 “Inequalities of the 21st century world: the major battles”, pleenary lecture to the Society for Ethnicity and Migration Studies, Helsinki
2014 September 2 “The Shaping of Capital Cities and Their Future”, Faculty of Humanities Distinguished Scholar Public Lecture 2014, University of Pretoria, South Africa
2014 August 14 “Welfare States, Solidarity, and Its Future”, plenary speech to the congress of the Nordic Sociological Association,Lund
2014 July 15 “Stunting and Deadly: 6 Things Missing in the Indignation of Inequality”, plenary speech to the ISA World Congress in Yokohama
2014 May 22 “Social disintegration and geopolitical temptation”, speech at the Jean Monnet Conference on European Society and the EU: State of the Art and Perspectives, Florence
2014 May 14 “Cities of Power & the Return of Urban Rebellion”, speech at the Subversive Festival Zagreb
2013 November 12, “Dynamics of Rights and Inequalities”, Keynote speech to conference on Rights and Inequalities, Institute of Social Studies, University of Lisbon
2013 September 12 “ Some Fundamental Questions of Modernity: A Comparative Glance at Finland, Japan, and Russia”, Opening speech to Alexander Institute symposium on Scrutinizing Modernities
2013 May 31st “Stunted Lives and Early Deaths. The New Inequalities of Life”, invited presentation at the conference on Life and Humanity in Late Modern Tranasformation, Seoul National University
2013 March 21 ´Pacts and the Politics of Welfare States. Some European Experiences´, UN Economic Commission for Latin America, Santiago de Chile
2012 October 3 “Diversity, Cohesion and Inequality. Antworten auf die deutsche Sociologie”, plenary lecture at the congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bochum, Germany
2012 September 18 “Modernity and the Discovery of (In)Equality”, Lecture at the launch of the Sonderforschungsprogramm (Research program) ‘ From Heterogeneities to Inequalities’, Dept. of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany
2012 September 18 “Malmö i världen” (Malmö in the World), Lecture at the inauguratuion of new premises of the Department of Social Work, Malmö Universoty College. Sweden
2012 August 27. “Inequality, Difference, and Power”, keynote speech to international conference on Power and Duifference, Tampere University, Finland
2012 June 7, “Modernity, Globality & Their Future”, speech to the Opening Conference of the Humanities Research Center, Jacobs University, Bremen
2012 May 4, “Power of Images and Images of Power”, keynote speech to the Finnish Annual Conference of Urban Studies, Helsinki
2012 March 16, “Fifty years on the island of the blessed – and then?”, Dinner speech on the 50th Anniversary of the Swedish Sociological Association, Stockholm
2011 Seotember 8, “Indignation and Social Force. A Global Look at Current Turbulence”, plenary panel speech European Sociological Association Congress in Geneva
2011 August-September, evaluator of social sciences, Helsinki University
2011 March 22, Conferencia magistral, UNAM Mexico, “Inequalities – Challenges of the 21st Century”
2011 January, “The good is not necessarily good enough: Norwegian and Nordic sociology in the world of tomorrow”, Inaugural speech to the Winter Seminar of the Norwegian Sociological Association
2010 December, “The 21st Century Field of Inequalities Studies”, Inaugural lecture to Desigualdades workshop, Berlin, Germany
2010 November, “Median, Loser, Vanguard? Latin America in the 21st Century World”, Inagural lecture to the congress of the Associación Latinoamericana de Población, La Habana, Cuba
2010 Autumn semester: Master course at University of Lucerne, Switzerland, Spaces and representations of power Capital cities in nations and in the world
2010, June, Keynote speaker at the International Consortium of Social Theory conference at the University of Sussex, “The Dialectic and the Post-Dialectic Prospects of Capitalism”
2009-11 Adviser to Brazilian research project on violence and inequality, coordinated by Professor S. Adorno, University of Säo Paolo
2009, November Keynote lecture to the national conference of the Greek Sociological Association, Athens, “The (Re)Production of (In)Equalities”
2009, November, Keynote lecture, 50th Anniversary of the Sociology Department of Gothenburg University, “Challenges to global sociology”
2009, March, Keynote speaker, conference on Welfare and Values in Europe, Uppsala University
2008, September, co-organizer of workshop on African capital cities, in Dakar, Senegal
2008 July, Lecturer at Summer School for ex-USSR university teachers of social science, St Petersburg state university (funded by the EU)
2007, September, co-organizer of workshop on Southeast Asian capital cities, in Bangkok, Thailand
2007, September Expert Consultant and workshop opening speaker to the UN on social inclusion
2007, July, Teaching summer course on global society and global issues at Korea University, Seoul.
2007, June, Keynote speaker to CINEFOGO (European Network of Excellence) midterm conference on European citizenship, at Roskilde University Centre
2006 Evaluator of Sociological Institue at Zurich University, Switzerland
April 2006 Speaker, Annual Signe Karlström Event, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, “The Making of Equality: Socical Processes and Swedish Experiences”
April 2006 Distinguished Lecture on Europe, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, “ The Union of Europe: From Europeanization to Global Ambition and Global Subservience”
2005-6 (December, January) Teaching course on Comparative Sociology at Dept. of Sociology, University of Vienna
2005 United Nations expert consultant on social inclusion
2005 Evaluator of social science research, Helsinki University, Finland
2005 Keynote speaker, Congress of European Sociological Association, “Rethinking Inequalities”
2005 Lecturer at the Intenational Summer School of Oslo University, course “Global Europe”
2004 Expert consultant on Family in the world to UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
2003 Plenary speaker, Brazilian Congress of Sociology, in Campinas
2003 Plenary speaker , Congress of European Sociological Association in Helsinki
2002-2006 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat), Wissenschaftszentrum zu Berlin
1999 Academic Hearing for DGXII of the European Commission (September), and for the Portuguese Pre-Presidency of the European Union (December)
1999 Evaluator of sociology, social psychology, social policy, and of the Swedish School of Social Science at Helsinki University, Finland
1999- 2001Chairman of inter-disciplinary and inter-university research committee on Global Processes, set up by FRN (Swedish Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research)
l996-99, Chairman of FRN interdisciplinary and inter-university research committee on Global processes from a European perspective,
1997 and 1999 Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Sociology Program, RSSS, Australian National University, Canberra (July-August l999 and January-March l997)
l994- 2002 Member, Executive Committee, International Sociological Association
1994-96 Member, Executive Committee European Sociological Association
l992-94 President, Nordic Sociological Association
l99l- 93 President, Swedish Sociological Association.
l992-96 member of the Scientific Council of the Swedish Labour Market Board
l990-l995 member of the Scientific Council of the Archive and Museum of White Collar Employees, Sweden
l992, member of the Swedish team for the evaluation of Estonian social science, upon the invitation of the Estonian Science Fund
l992 member of Evaluation Commission of Dutch departments of sociology
l992-96 On the board of directors of: the Centre for Ibero-American studies, the Seminar for Middle East Studies, and of the Centre for Public Sector Studies, all at Gothenburg University, Sweden.
l989, external evaluator of the social policy studies program at the Catholic University of Brabant (Netherlands).
On the consulting editorial board of: British Journal of Sociology, European Journal of Social Theory, International Journal of Health Services,
Referee also for Ashgate, Cambridge University Press, Polity Press, Routledge, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Childhood, European Journal of Political Research
Columnist, Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm) l989-90